To Provide Excellence In Care…For life.
Core Values and Business Standards of Conduct
Our core values are to provide a caring and considerate attitude that creates a sense of worth in those we serve. We believe by establishing these core values and business standards that we can "Provide Excellence in Care for Life." PCHS is incorporating these standards as a measure of overall work performance and expects their employees to practice and follow each one with full commitment.
CARE / EMPATHY: We recognize that our patients, residents, and customers are our first priority.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Realizing the desires and needs of our patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers will take precedence over my own.
- Remembering always that caring for each and every individual that enters the facility is important.
- Reaching out to those in need without hesitation or judgment.
- Building relationships and collaborations for a common good.
ATTITUDE / RESPECT: We will treat all individuals with the utmost respect, dignity, courtesy, and confidentiality.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Treating others the way I would want my family to be treated.
- Using customer service techniques to provide cheerful help even under the most difficult circumstances.
- Promoting confidence in PCHS by maintaining a professional demeanor at all times; come to work with an optimistic mind and a positive attitude.
- Treating everyone with fairness, honesty and compassion.
- Refraining from participating in rumors or gossip.
- Providing a calm, healing atmosphere by keeping noise levels down.
- Going out of my way to provide exceptional care and exceed the expectations of our patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers.
- Not using or disclosing any confidential records of a friend, relative, staff member, volunteer, or any other person unless authorized to do so and required to do so as part of my official duties.
- Respecting all individuals personal and cultural beliefs, ideas and contributions in a supportive manner.
ACCOUNTABILITY / OWNERSHIP: We take pride in PCHS as if we own it by accepting responsibility for our actions.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Being a part of the solution not the problem.
- Working together to meet the staffing needs of PCHS.
- Attending all required meetings and training opportunities to further my education and enhance my job performance.
- Rewarding positive behavior and redirecting any negative behavior.
- Contributing to the safety and security of the working environment.
- Maintaining zero tolerance for abusive behavior (verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, financial, to name a few).
- Listening, reflecting, assisting and being willing to accept fault by not placing blame on others.
- NEVER underestimate the power of an apology and a thank you!
APPEARANCE / PROFESSIONALISM: We will strive to create a positive environment through our personal appearance and the appearance of PCHS.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Following the dress code policy as per the PCHS Employee Handbook.
- Maintaining good personal hygiene.
- Wearing an identification badge, when my job allows.
- Considering patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers expectations when presenting myself.
- Greeting everyone in person and on the phone with a smile and a positive attitude.
- Maintaining a professional image while on and off duty.
- Picking up and disposing of litter properly.
- Returning equipment to its proper place.
- Keeping work areas clean and free of clutter.
INTEGRITY: We work to earn the trust of those we serve and strive to do what is right for them, every time, by honoring confidentiality and ethical values.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Holding myself personally responsible to do what is right and ethical even when no one else is around.
- Demonstrating and encouraging high moral characteristics, such as courage, strength, honesty and trust.
- Being reliable and trustworthy so that others can count on me to do what I say.
- Abiding by legal requirements and PCHS policies that promote the well-being of our patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers.
TEAMWORK: We at PCHS, achieve our mission and goals by working together as a whole. We value team success over individual success.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Being a good team member that will be empathetic, learn from mistakes, and develop strengths in myself and others.
- Coordinating my efforts with coworkers so that I can apply my talents, background, ideas and experiences to benefit patients, residents, families, clients,and coworkers.
- Remembering there is no "I" in team while respectfully caring for each other and those I serve.
- Taking responsibility to get the job done and assisting others even if not in my department. If you see something that needs done, DO IT without being asked and with a positive attitude.
- Being flexible when faced with changes to my work environment or work schedule.
COMMUNICATION: We will apply good communication skills by clearly and fully listening and responding respectfully to our patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers.
We are Perkins County Health Services and I will practice this core value by:
- Addressing patients, residents, families, clients, and coworkers appropriately by smiling, maintaining eye contact, and using body language that displays respect.
- Listening and responding to both verbal and non-verbal messages.
- Escorting others to their destination when they need directions.
- Using appropriate language, tone and volume to reflect a calm environment.
- Listening carefully to the needs of others and responding to their needs with patience and tolerance.
Avoiding any negative or unprofessional conversations while at PCHS.
- Taking constructive criticism as a way to better myself and my job performance.
- Answering the phone and speaking slowly and clearly while identifying myself and the facility/department.